I just thought I would let you all know that I think spring is just around the corner. The birds have been singing and the snow is melting at my house. You can see a lot of grass which is okay, but I don't know if I am ready for it or not. I love springtime but, I dislike all the work that it brings. I think I am getting lazier as I get older. Of course, I don't get around as good as I used to either. I just about talked myself out of growing a garden but then the leaders tell us to and to store food. So, I probably will grow a garden. I have been trying to use up s lot of my canning so I can do new stuff. I try to at least open 1 bottle a day. Somedays I do better and open up 2 or 3. Anyway, its always nice to use up the old and get some new in the bottles. I hope everyone is feeling better now and that you are all ready for Spring. It's coming whether we are ready or not! Here's to sunshine and green grass!!!