Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring is Coming

I just thought I would let you all know that I think spring is just around the corner. The birds have been singing and the snow is melting at my house. You can see a lot of grass which is okay, but I don't know if I am ready for it or not. I love springtime but, I dislike all the work that it brings. I think I am getting lazier as I get older. Of course, I don't get around as good as I used to either. I just about talked myself out of growing a garden but then the leaders tell us to and to store food. So, I probably will grow a garden. I have been trying to use up s lot of my canning so I can do new stuff. I try to at least open 1 bottle a day. Somedays I do better and open up 2 or 3. Anyway, its always nice to use up the old and get some new in the bottles. I hope everyone is feeling better now and that you are all ready for Spring. It's coming whether we are ready or not! Here's to sunshine and green grass!!!


The Rigby Bunch said...

To sunshine and green grass!! I think you're right....spring is on it's way! I can't wait to get outside and do yard work! And way to go on doing a garden this year!

Brett and Tiffany said...

Spring is coming and I better hurry and get my inside projects finished because then the outside ones begin! I have been painting Bryce's room today. It is looking way different! I have the windows open while I am painting and we have been listening to the birds sing too!

robcallfamily said...

Yeah for spring! I am way excited! You have to grow a garden, so you will help me can! hehe!! love ya!