Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Fun Date

On Monday afternoon I was at work and John called. He wanted to know if I wanted to go to Island Park with him about 5:00. I was going to all the kids games, but decided I needed to spend time with my husband. So, we headed to Island Park to drop off a couple of toilets and then he took me to the Riverfront Restaurant at Last Chance. It was beautiful sitting right on the river and having our meal. The food was good, especially the coconut shrimp with hot orange marmalade. I really appreciated and enjoyed the date. It was fun to spend time alone with my hubby. We are going to do more of those nights.

1 comment:

Brett and Tiffany said...

It is SO NICE to spend time with your husband! I love time with Brett! I am glad you were able to go with him! YOu are a great support to the kids and their activities...they love the support, but Grandmas need date nights too! Hope you have lots more of those date nights!