Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Time

We woke up to snow today and the roads were super slick until you got to the Madison county line. They hardly had anything. It is almost Halloween time and John and I just got out our Fall and Halloween decorations to put up yesterday. They look pretty cute though and it makes for a festive Halloween. I really miss all the trick or treaters that we used to have. Now, we do Trunk or Treat at the church and it isn't near as fun I don't think. Oh well, I'm sure you people with little kids like it a lot better. But, for the older people they miss out on the fun. I remember how my Mom loved Halloween, and how she kept track of all the kids. She thought it was great. Any way, I hope you all have a Happy Halloween and try to stay warm this year. Until next time!


Brett and Tiffany said...

I like trick-or-treating better too! Glad you got your decorations up! You always have cute decorations!

Unknown said...

hello mom~ Happy Halloween!

The Rigby Bunch said...

I'm with ya on the tick-or-treating! I loved doing that when I was younger. So many funny stories to tell...the mean dogs chasing us, the scary houses, crazy old people we loved, and so many other adventures. I'd like to do it again. Happy Halloween to you!!

Patty said...

My mom still keeps track of the trick-or-treaters. I'm trying to convince Ken that we oughtta go this year!