Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I haven't blogged for awhile and my last post was about funerals, so I decided I would just talk about January. January has been a good month. We have had quite a bit of snow and it hasn't been too cold. Nothing we can't handle. We have a few birthdays in January and the first few days of February. So, that keeps us busy and eating alot of cake. We don't need that I know! Courtney and Bryce share the same b-day-January 12th. Then, we just had Tyce's on Jan.23rd. Next is Bridger's on Jan. 30th, John's on Feb.6th and Conner's on Feb. 9th. That is 6 within a month. Then we top it off with Valentines Day. And, boy oh boy am I looking forward to that. It is a wild time of year. I am a bit worried because I don't feel like my help is totally up to par yet. I guess we will get there in 2 weeks. Anyway Here's to another January. Hope you enjoyed it.


Patty said...

Cheers to January! It's a beautiful month.

Brett and Tiffany said...

Valentine's Day will be fun! We will be ready to rock and roll at the floral shop!