Friday, April 24, 2009

Time for some FUN!!!!!

I am just finishing up work for the day and decided to blog a minute. I realized that I need to do something fun once in a while. My weeks are all the same, work, fix meals, watch TV, eat, sleep, scrap, do a little yard work, eat, sleep, work at the flower shop, babysit, eat, sleep, watch TV. I really need to get a life!!! Tomorrow I am going to a wedding at the temple and then John and I need to do something fun. Any great ideas???? All I can think of is to go home and work on all the things we need to get done. We need to play some!!!!! We aren't oldie moldies that just sit around and do nothing. Anyway, I hope we aren't, but I'm beginning to feel that way. Well, here's to something fun. I'll let you know if we do anything different or exciting. Have a fun weekend.


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

I am expecting some full on detailed accounts of your fun adventure! Don't let me down!

robcallfamily said...

I would have to say you would need to put a few more babysitting times in your routine! Thanks so much for all you do. You should do something fun...go to the zoo, go buy each other a new summer shirt, I don't know but like Che said don't let us down! said...

I think you should dig down in that old sock and come and go with us for a Cruise. I'll bet that would be a fun thing to do right?

Kris said...

Here's what Tom and I do when we don't know what to do but want to do something. We get in the car and drive. Make a peasants lunch and go. Our peasants lunch is a baguette sliced and brushed with olive oil and baked til it's a little crunchy, brie cheese, sliced cheddar cheeses,strawberries,grapes and a dove bar. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.